Warm Space

I sat at the door and welcomed people after the Christmas break. They were so pleased to be back. They were all so unique. 

A Syrian woman who spoke Kurdish and many other languages. We said she should become a translator for the police or whoever. Good translators are in short supply and she spoke so many Middle Eastern languages like Pashto. A gem and such a graceful young woman. Smiling. A happy beginning to the year. 

Then John. A Sikh but with an English name. A big smile as he came in and wished us happy new year. 

And June who can't see much but came with her donation for the lunch. 

Paul who had been missing at the Christmas lunch. Happy smiling. 

Shahida the Esol teacher, Marion and Alex volunteers. 

I filled 3 pages of people coming in. We collect a minimum of information to help us in monitoring and fundraising. 

It was freezing outside but this old church hall was full of conversation, the art group, the esol class. The kitchen was bustling with activity making a good two course cooked meal for everyone. 

Life is good!


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